Maybe a Record
The Oconee County Board of Commissioners tonight met for only a dozen minutes.
The mood was relaxed as the board approved appointments to citizen committees agreed upon in advance and approved all five items on the consent agenda without discussion.
Commissioner Margaret Hale missed the meeting for health reasons.
That consent agenda included funding of a staff position for the tourism department using about $26,000 from the county's hotel/motel tax and agreement on a budget submittal plan for fiscal year 2011.
The consent agenda also called for spending $170,000 to renovate parts of the Government Annex building on Greensboro highway, $12.8 million for a Transportation Improvement and Maintenance Plan for fiscal years 2011 and 2012, and $4.5 million for a Water and Sewer Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Commissioner John Daniell again announced the town-hall style meeting scheduled to start at 7 p.m. on Feb. 16 at the Civic Center on Hog Mountain road.
Commission Chuck Horton said he thought there might be a little more tension at that session.
Once the budget schedule gets underway, the mood also is likely to change, given the decline in county sales tax revenue and the drop in value of property in the county.
That process actually started yesterday and will culuminate with adoption of a budget in June.