Sunday, May 19, 2024

Townley Files Suit Against Town Of North High Shoals, Asking Court To Grant Petition For Deannexation

***Suit Claims “Abuse Of Discretion”***

Townley Family Partnership LLLP has filed suit against the Town of North High Shoals asking Oconee County Superior Court to reverse the Town’s decision on April 15 and grant Townley’s petition for deannexation of 175.8 acres from the city.

The suit contends that the decision by the Town Council “was an abuse of discretion, was not sustained by sufficient evidence, and contained legal errors.”

Oconee County Planning Staff Recommends Denial Of Rezone Request For Duplexes Just North Of Watkinsville

***Staff Sees Conflict With Comprehensive Plan***

The Oconee County Planning Commission on Monday will get a rare recommendation from the county’s planning staff–that it deny a request for a rezone–as it reviews plans for development of 3.4 acres on Moreland Way just north of the Watkinsville city limits.

Pittman and Greer Engineering, on behalf of property owner Richard Grayson, wants to combine two parcels, one zoned Mobile Home District (M-H) and the other Agricultural Residential District (AR) , to create a single lot zoned Two-Family Residential District (R-2).