Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Seven-Day Average Of Added COVID-19 Positive Cases And Deaths In Northeast Health District Holding Steady

***Residents With Disease At Long-Term Care Facilities Increasing***

The Northeast Health District added 14 cases of confirmed COVID-19 with the 1 p.m. Department of Public Health Daily Status Report on Wednesday, and the seven-day rolling average of added cases dropped to the level it has maintained for the last week.

The 10-county region added an additional death, of a 45-year-old female in Greene County with known chronic conditions, bringing the total number of deaths to 48 and holding the seven-day rolling average of added deaths at 1.1.

The Department of Community Health Long-Term Care Facility Report issued late on Tuesday showed one additional death at a Walton County nursing home.

That report also showed an increase in COVID Positive Residents at the area’s long-term care facilities and an increase in the number of COVID Positive Staff.

The percentage of residents with COVID-19 increased from 23.0 with the Monday Department of Community Health report to 23.2 percent on Tuesday.

At the Winder Health Care and Rehabilitation Center in Barrow County, 78.3 percent of the residents were COVID Positive, according to the Tuesday evening report.

At the High Shoals Health and Rehabilitation nursing home in Oconee County’s North High Shoals, 34.7 percent of the 75 residents were labeled as COVID Positive with the Tuesday Long-Term Care Facility Report, as the number of resident cases at the facility increased from 24 on Monday to 26 on Tuesday.

Oconee County Sheriff Scott Berry reported late on Tuesday that the Georgia Emergency Management Agency added on Active COVID case to the county’s list of addresses with at least one resident with the disease. That brings the total to 12.

Oconee County did not add any new confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Department of Public Health Daily Status Report on Wednesday, but it did add a case on Tuesday.

The Georgia Emergency Management Agency reported late on Tuesday that the number of Critical Care Beds available in area hospitals dropped to 11 with the Tuesday report from 21 with the Monday report.

State Data

The Department of Public Health Daily Status Report at 1 p.m. on Wednesday listed 926 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the seven-day rolling average of added cases to 616.4 from 583.7 on Tuesday.

The Daily Status Report listed 23 new COVID-19 deaths, but the seven-day rolling average dropped to 25.0 from 29.0 from a day earlier because the deaths added on Wednesday were considerably lower than the deaths added on Wednesday a week ago.

An examination of the Daily Status Report data behind the chart of deaths dated by occurrence rather than date of first listing shows that 16 of those 23 added deaths on Wednesday were in the last 14 days, while 15 of the 22 deaths added on Tuesday were in the last 14 days.

The seven-day average of added deaths using the date of occurrence was 20.6 on Wednesday, up from 17.6 on Tuesday, 14.4 on Monday, and 8.9 on Sunday.

The Department of Public Health Long-Term Care Facility Report for Tuesday showed an increase in the number of facilities with a COVID-19 Positive Resident or Staff or COVID-19 death increased from 366 on Monday to 377 on Tuesday, and the percentage of residents listed as COVID Positive increased from 18.2 on Monday to 18.5 on Tuesday.

The Georgia Emergency Management Agency COVID-19 Situation Report indicated that the number of Current Confirmed COVID-19 Hospitalizations dropped from 1,025 on Monday to 986 on Tuesday. The number of hospitalizations had increased on Sunday and Monday.

The number of available ventilators, however, dropped by 11 to 1,967, according to the Georgia Emergency Management Agency report.


Charts 1, 2, 4 and 5 below have been updated to include data from the 1 p.m. Wednesday Department of Public Health Daily Status Report.

The first two charts are for the Northeast Health Region of the Department of Public Health.

Charts 4 and 5 are for the state of Georgia.

Charts 3 is updated with data from the Department of Community Health Long-Term Care Facility Report for May 19. The chart shows data for the Department of Public Health Northeast Health District.

Chart 1 (Click To Enlarge)

Chart 2 (Click To Enlarge)

Chart 3 (Click To Enlarge)

Chart 4 (Click To Enlarge)

Chart 5 (Click To Enlarge)

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