Monday, November 16, 2020

Department of Public Health Lists 36 COVID-19 Cases In Monday Report; Department Of Community Health Lists Two Deaths

***Disease Outbreak At Elbert County Personal Care Home***

The Northeast Health District added 33 COVID-19 cases confirmed by molecular tests on Monday and three positive cases based on antigen tests, according to the Department of Public Health. The Department did not list any deaths in the Monday Daily Status Report.

The Department of Community Health on Monday, however, reported a massive outbreak of COVID-19 at Magnolia Estates personal care home in Elberton in Elbert County that included two deaths.

The Long-Term Care Facility Report of the Department of Community Health listed 29 COVID-19 Positive Residents at the Elberton personal care home that had not been listed in the Friday report–the most recent until Monday–and an increase from two to 18 COVID-19 Positive Staff.

The personal care home listed its resident population as 37 on Monday, down from 39 on Friday after the two deaths.

Confirmed Cases

With the addition of the 33 confirmed cases in the Department of Public Health Daily Status Report on Monday, the seven-day rolling average of added confirmed cases based on molecular tests declined to 100.3 from 104.1 on Sunday.

Three counties in the Northeast Health District did not add any cases based on molecular tests: Greene, Morgan, and Madison.

Oconee County added a single case, and Clarke County added 11. The seven-day rolling average of added cases remained unchanged in Oconee County and increased just slightly in Clarke County.

Elbert County added only a single case in the Department of Public Health Daily Status Report on Monday. It had added four cases on Sunday and three cases on Saturday.

The Department of Public Health Distributes the Department of Community Health report but does not reconcile the information from the Community Health Report with the information in the Daily Status Report.

Despite the two reported deaths at Magnolia Estates in Elberton, the Daily Status Report did not report any deaths in the Northeast Health District on Sunday or Monday and one death–in Walton County–on Saturday.

Test Positivity

The Department of Public Health in Monday’s Daily Status Report listed 16 molecular (PCR) tests for the corona virus in Oconee County on last Friday, with two of those positive. Clarke County had 56 tests with seven of them positive.

For Oconee County, the positivity rate on Friday was 12.5 percent, compared with 5.9 percent on Friday of a week earlier, and the seven-day rolling average of the positivity rate for those tests was 8.3 percent, up from 6.6 percent a week earlier.

For Clarke County, the positivity rate on Friday was 12.5 percent, compared with 4.4 percent on Friday of the previous week, and the seven-day rolling average of the positivity rate was 6.5 percent, compared with 5.5 percent a week earlier.

For the 10-county Northeast Health District as a whole, the positivity rate increased from 4.6 percent to 8.5 percent over that week. In the state as a whole, the rate increased from 6.9 percent to 7.4 percent.

Antigen Cases, Death Average, Hospital Data

The Northeast Health District added only three positive cases based on antigen tests in the Daily Status Report, and the seven-day rolling average of added antigen positive cases declined to 39.1 on Monday from 39.3 on Sunday.

Clarke County added one of those antigen positive cases. Oconee County did not add any antigen positive cases.

The seven-day rolling average of added deaths in the 10-county Northeast Health District–based on the Department of Public Health listings, which did not include the Elbert County deaths--dropped to 1.3 on Monday from 1.4 on Sunday.

The Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) reported on Monday that the number of COVID-19 patients at area hospitals (79) decreased by one from the day before, that the number of ICU beds in use (63) decreased by one from the day before, and that the number of adult ventilators in use (28) increased by two from the day before.

State Data

The Department of Public Health reported that the state added 990 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday based on molecular testing, and the seven-day rolling average of added cases declined from 2,034.4 cases per day to 2,017.1 cases per day.

The state also added 293 new antigen positive cases, and the seven-day rolling average of added cases based on the antigen tests increased to 800.1 on Monday from 789.7 on Sunday.

The Department of Public Health reported nine new confirmed deaths attributed to COVID-19 in Monday’s Daily Status Report, and the seven-day rolling average of added deaths dropped from 40.7 on Sunday to 37.9 on Monday.

Five of those new deaths occurred in the last 14 days.

The state added a single probable death from the disease in the Daily Status Report, and the seven-day rolling average increased to 6.0 on Monday from 5.9 on Sunday.

Across the state, the Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) reported on Monday that the number of COVID-19 patients (1,697) increased from the day before, the number of ICU beds in use (2,337) decreased from the day before, and the number of adult ventilators in use (790) increased from the day before.

The Department of Community Health listed 657 long-term care facilities across the state with COVID-19 among their residents and/or staff, up from 653 with the report on Friday.


All of the charts below are based on data from the Department of Public Health Daily Status Report and have been updated to include data from the release of that report at 2:50 p.m. on Monday.

Charts 1 and 2 include data from the 10-county Northeast Health District of the Department of Public Health, which includes Oconee and Clarke counties.

Chart 3 shows data for Oconee and Clarke counties in the main chart. The inserted table shows data for the entire Northeast Health District.

Charts 4 and 5 show data for the entire state of Georgia.

Click on any of the charts to enlarge it.

Chart 1

Chart 2

Chart 3

Chart 4

Chart 5

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