Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Seven-Day Rolling Averages Of COVID-19 Cases And Deaths Decline In Northeast Health District

***COVID-19 Hospitalizations And Ventilator Use Also Drop***

The Department of Public Health Daily Status Report on Tuesday reported 164 confirmed COVID-19 cases and one death attributed to the disease in the 10-county Northeast Health District.

The Daily Status Report a week ago had added 179 COVID-19 cases and two deaths, so the seven-day rolling average of added cases in the District dropped from 122.1 on Monday to 120.0 on Tuesday and the seven-day rolling average of deaths dropped from 2.1 on Monday to 2.0.

The death was of a 74-year-old male from Jackson County without a chronic condition.

All counties in the District added COVID-19 cases, with Oconee and Oglethorpe counties each adding a single case and Clarke County adding 41.

The Department of Public Health for the first time Tuesday released data on Current Confirmed COVID Hospitalizations and Ventilator Use at a regional level, and the Hospital Region made up of the 10 counties in the Northeast Health District plus Franklin and Hart counties saw drops in both measures.

On Tuesday, the Region had 125 Confirmed COVID-19 Hospitalizations, down from 128 on Monday, and 29 Adult Ventilators In Use, down from 32 on Monday.

The Region had five critical care beds available out of a capacity of 70 beds, and that figure was down from nine on Monday.

The Department of Community Health reported four COVID-19 deaths at a nursing home in Madison County, two new COVID-19 Positive Staff at a personal care home in Greene County, and three additional COVID-19 Positive Residents at a nursing home and at a personal care home in Walton County.

Newly Released Data

The Daily Status Report on Tuesday for the first time linked to dashboards created by the Georgia Geospatial Information Office showing hospital data related to COVID-19.

“These dashboards are a part of an effort with the Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) to collect daily medical facility data and build informative visualizations,” the web page states.

The data are gathered via an online survey, the statement continues, and the dashboards are updated twice daily, at approximately noon and midnight.

The data are presented for the full state, replicating data released in the GEMA Situation Report COVID-19, as well as for the GEMA regions of the state.

The Situation Report has included regional data on hospital bed use in the past, but not on Current Confirmed COVID-19 Hospitalizations or on ventilator use.

I extracted the data from the dashboards going back to July 1 for Region E to create Chart 4 below.

Region E contains the two hospitals in Athens plus seven smaller hospitals that have emergency departments and thus are included in the GEMA reports.

State Data

Across the state on Tuesday, according to the Department of Public Health Daily Status Report, 2,873 new COVID-19 cases were identified, as were 69 deaths attributed to the disease.

The seven-day rolling average of added cases dropped from 2,911.6 on Monday to 2,802.1 on Tuesday.

The seven-day rolling average of added deaths dropped from 74.0 on Monday to 64.3 on Tuesday. The State had added a record 137 deaths on Tuesday of last week.

Of the 69 deaths added on Tuesday, 54 were in the last 14 days.

The Department of Public Health also eliminated at least two cases previously listed from its file.

The Georgia Emergency Management Agency reported that Current Confirmed COVID-19 Hospitalizations dropped by three from the day before, to 1,683, and the number of ventilators in use increased to 1,208 from 1,193 on Monday.

The Department of Community Health reported that 622 of the state’s 790 long-term care facilities with 25 beds or more had COVID-19 cases among their residents and/or staff, up from 621 on Monday.


All of the charts below except Chart 4 are based on data from the Department of Public Health Daily Status Report and have been updated to include data from the release of that report at 2:50 p.m. on Tuesday.

Charts 1 and 2 include data from the 10-county Northeast Health District of the Department of Public Health, which includes Oconee and Clarke counties.

Chart 3 presents data for Oconee and Clarke counties only.

Chart 4 is based on data gathered by the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) and the Georgia Hospital Association and presented by the Georgia Geospatial Information Office.

The data shown are for Region E of GEMA, which includes the 10 counties in the Department of Public Health Northeast Health District as well as Franklin and Hart counties.

Charts 5 and 6 show data for the entire state of Georgia.

Click on any of the charts to enlarge it.

Chart 1

Chart 2

Chart 3

Chart 4

Chart 5

Chart 6

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are great graphs, Lee. Thank you.

Jeanne Barsanti