Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Northeast Health District Experiences Drops in Average Number Of COVID-19 Cases And Deaths On Wednesday

***University Of Georgia Also Reports Drop In Cases***

The seven-day rolling average of added COVID-19 cases and deaths declined in the Northeast Health District on Wednesday with the release of the Department of Public Health Daily Status Report.

The 10-county District added no deaths attributed to the virus, and the seven-day rolling average of added deaths declined from 2.1 on Tuesday to 1.7 on Wednesday.

The District added 160 confirmed COVID-19 cases, with nine of them in Oconee County and 80 in Clarke County.

Every county in the District added at least one case, and the seven-day rolling average of added cases dropped from 160.9 on Tuesday to 154.1 on Wednesday.

The University of Georgia released its weekly COVID-19 Health and Exposure Update for Week 5 of the semester, covering the dates of Sept. 7 through 11, and the total number of cases dropped from 1,490 for Week 4 to 421 for Week 5.

Testing And Hospital Data

Of those positive tests at the University of Georgia, 270 were locally administered, compared with 749 a week earlier. The locally monitored tests should appear in the Daily Status Report of the Department of Public Health under Clarke County. The 151 nonlocal tests should not.

Of the positive verdicts reported for last week, 126 were from what the university calls its Surveillance Tests at Legion Field, which is focused on asymptomatic members of the campus community who volunteer for testing.

During Week 5, the university administered 1,655 surveillance tests with a positivity rate of 7.6 percent. During Week 4, the University administered 1,575 surveillance tests with a positivity rate of 9.1 percent.

The Department of Public Health on Wednesday reported that of the 830 molecular tests in Clarke County for which it had data on verdicts, 8.1 percent were positive, and the seven-day rolling average for that percentage was 11.0, down from 11.5 on Tuesday.

For the 74 molecular tests in Oconee County for which the Department of Public Health had data, 10.8 percent on Wednesday were positive. The seven-day rolling average for Oconee County on Wednesday was 8.1 percent, up from 7.4 percent on Tuesday.

The Department of Community Health reported two new COVID-19 positive staff at long-term care facilities in the 10-county Northeast Health District. The two staff cases were at two nursing homes in Elbert County.

The Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) on Wednesday reported that area hospitals had 58 COVID-19 patients, down from 64 on Tuesday, 64 ICU beds in use, down from 66 on Tuesday, and 27 adult ventilators in use, up from 26 on Tuesday.

State Data

Across the state on Wednesday, the Department of Public Health reported 24 deaths attributed to COVID-19, and the seven-day rolling average of added deaths dropped to 43.0 from 48.1 on Tuesday.

Twenty-one of those 24 deaths were in the last 14 days, and the seven-day rolling average of added deaths dated by time of occurrence increased slightly on Wednesday over Tuesday.

The Department of Public Health eliminated three deaths it had previously attributed to COVID-19 from its database.

The state added 2,265 new COVID-19 confirmed cases on Wednesday, and the seven-day rolling average of added cases increased to 1,754.6 on Wednesday from 1,728.3 on Tuesday.

The state added 25,031 molecular tests on Wednesday, and the seven-day rolling average of added tests increased to 18,048.9 from 16,752.0 on Tuesday.

The percent of the newly added molecular tests that was positive on Wednesday was 10.8, and the seven-day rolling average of the positivity of tests increased to 8.1 percent on Wednesday from 7.6 percent on Tuesday.

The Department of Community Health listed 636 of the state’s long-term care facilities with COVID-19 cases among their residents and/or staff, down from 639 with the last report issued on Tuesday.

Facilities are not supposed to remove themselves from the list once they have had a COVID-19 case, but many do, and the Department of Community Health does not correct the error.

The Georgia Hospital Association and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency on Wednesday reported that hospitals across Georgia had 1,475 COVID-19 patients, down from 1,507 on Tuesday, 2,370 ICU Beds In Use, up from 2,347 on Tuesday, and 994 ventilators in use, up from 992 on Tuesday.


All of the charts below are based on data from the Department of Public Health Daily Status Report and have been updated to include data from the release of that report at 2:50 p.m. on Wednesday.

Charts 1 and 2 include data from the 10-county Northeast Health District of the Department of Public Health, which includes Oconee and Clarke counties.

Chart 3 presents data for Oconee and Clarke counties only. The insert is based on data from the University of Georgia.

Charts 4 and 5 show data for the entire state of Georgia.

Click on any of the charts to enlarge it.

Chart 1
Chart 2

Chart 3

Chart 4

Chart 5

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