Saturday, December 26, 2020

Northeast Health District Adds 302 New COVID-19 Cases And Deaths From Disease In Clarke, Barrow, And Madison Counties

*** Number Of COVID-19 Patients At Area Hospitals Up Again***

The Northeast Health District added 302 cases of COVID-19 with the release of Saturday’s Daily Status Report of the Department of Public Health as well as three deaths attributed to the disease--one each in Clarke, Barrow, and Madison counties

The Clarke County death was of an 81-year-old male without a chronic condition. The Barrow County death was of a 73-year-old female with a chronic condition. The Madison County death was of a 60-year-old male without a chronic condition.

Clarke County now has 62 death attributed to COVID-19, Barrow County has 65, Madison County has 16, and the Northeast Health District as a whole has 398.

The seven-day rolling average of added deaths in the 10-county Northeast Health District remained unchanged on Saturday at 2.3 deaths per day. The District added three deaths last Saturday as well.

The 302 added cases resulted in a seven-day rolling average of added cases of 396.3, up just slightly from 395.7 on Friday. Lab reporting is likely to have been more limited because of the holiday, and the rolling average is down from Thursday, which had been a record high.

Oconee County added 28 COVID-19 cases on Saturday, and Clarke County added 43.

The seven-day rolling average of added cases in Oconee County increased to 41.0 from 38.9 on Friday. The seven-day rolling average in Clarke County dropped from 62.1 on Friday to 59.4 on Saturday.

The Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) reported on Saturday that the number of COVID-19 patients at area hospitals (211) increased by 11 from the day before.

The number of patients with COVID-19 is at a level never reported before. During the previous peak of cases in August, area hospitals reported, at the height on Aug. 21, having 135 COVID-19 cases.

On Saturday, 38.9 percent of the patients in area hospitals were COVID-19 patients, the highest percentage ever and more than 10 percentage points higher than the statewide figure of 27.2 percent.

The number of ICU beds in use (64) was the same as on Thursday and Friday, and the number of adult ventilators in use (39) decreased by one from the day before.

State Data

Across the state, the Department of Public Health added 4,344 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, and the seven-day rolling average of added cases dropped from 7,119.4 on Friday to 6,878.7 on Saturday.

The Daily Status Report listed 54 confirmed deaths from COVID-19 on Saturday, and the seven-day rolling average of added deaths increased from 38.3 on Friday to 40.3 on Saturday.

Twenty-one of the added deaths occurred in the last 14 days. The state did not add any “probable deaths” from COVID-19 in the Saturday Daily Status Report.

The Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) reported on Saturday that the number of COVID-19 patients (3,935) increased from the day before, the number of ICU beds in use (2,483) decreased from the day before, and the number of adult ventilators in use (1,378) increased from the day before.

The Department of Community Health does not issue its Long-Term Care Facility Report on weekends and has not issued its Report since Tuesday.


The charts below are based on data from the Department of Public Health Daily Status Report and have been updated to include data from the release of that report at 2:50 p.m. on Saturday.

Chart 1 shows the rolling averages of COVID-19 cases for the Northeast Health District and for the state of Georgia.

Charts 2 and 3 show actual deaths and rolling averages of added deaths for the Northeast Health District (Chart 2) and for the state of Georgia (Chart 3).

Chart 1
Chart 2
Chart 3



Jacqueline Elsner said...

Dear Lee,
I read your updates daily with much appreciation. I always wear a mask outside the house, except in my yard!

Today's brief summary, with bulleted highlights, is an easily read feature.
Thanks so much. I wish you safety from covid-19 and any other calamity!
Jacqueline Elsner

Lee Becker said...

Thank you, Jacqueline. I am experimenting with ways to streamline the presentation, particularly during the holidays. I appreciate the feedback.