Saturday, January 09, 2021

Rolling Averages of Added COVID-19 Cases and Deaths Increased In Northeast Health District With Release Public Health Report

***Area Hospitals Report Increase In Number Of COVID-19 Patients***

The Northeast Health District added 730 new COVID-19 cases and four deaths from the disease with the release of the Georgia Department of Public Health Daily Status Report on Saturday.

The seven-day rolling average of added cases increased again in the 10-county Northeast Health District after a brief lull, and the seven-day rolling average of added deaths also increased, showing an clear uptick in deaths after a longer plateauing of that statistic.

The four confirmed COVID-19 deaths included two in Barrow County, which had added two deaths on Friday as well, and deaths in Elbert County and in Oglethorpe County.

The Barrow deaths were of an 80-year-old female with a chronic condition and of an 85-year-old female, also with a chronic condition.

The death in Elbert County was of an 80-year-old male without a chronic condition, while the death in Oglethorpe County was of a 90-plus-year-old male with a chronic condition.

The deaths bring to 73 the number from the disease in Barrow County, 25 in Elbert County, and 15 in Oglethorpe County.

Across the 10-county District, the death total now stands at 430, and the seven-day rolling average of added deaths increased to 2.9 from 2.6 on Friday.

Cases, Hospital Report

With the addition of the 730 new COVID-19 cases, the seven-day rolling average of added cases increased to 550.7 on Saturday from 514.1 on Friday.

Oconee County added 35 new cases, and the seven-day rolling average of added cases in the county fell slightly from 39.0 on Friday to 38.7 on Saturday.

Clarke County added 181 new cases, a record number of added cases, and the seven-day rolling average of added cases increased to 118.7 on Saturday, also a new record. The rolling average had been 108.1 on Friday.

The Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) reported on Saturday that the number of COVID-19 patients at area hospitals (273) increased by seven from the day before, the number of ICU beds in use (85) increased by two from the day before, and the number of adult ventilators in use (50) increased by four from the day before.

State Data

With the addition of 100 new deaths attributed to COVID-19 across the state, the seven-day rolling average of added deaths jumped sharply to 56.1 on Saturday from 42.1 on Friday.

Thirty-one of those added deaths occurred in the last 14 days, and the seven-day rolling average of added death dated by occurrence increased for the second day in a row.

The Daily Status Report also listed 43 “probable deaths” from the virus, and the seven-day rolling average of added “probable deaths” increased to 15.4 on Saturday from 9.3 on Friday.

The state added added 12,351 COVID-19 cases in the Saturday Daily Status Report, resulting in an increase in the seven-day rolling average of added cases to 9,319.7 on Saturday from 8,660.0 on Friday.

Across the state, the Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) reported on Saturday that the number of COVID-19 patients (5,509) decreased from the day before, the number of ICU beds in use (2,702) increased from the day before, and the number of adult ventilators in use (1,554) decreased from the day before.

The Department of Community Health does not release its Long-Term Care Facility Report on Saturdays.

Similarly, the Department of Public Health did not update its report on vaccinations administered on Saturday.


Chart 1 below shows the seven-day rolling average of the addition of COVID-19 molecular and antigen cases for the Northeast Health District and for the state of Georgia since Nov. 3, when antigen cases first were added to the Daily Status Report.

Charts 2 and 3 show the actual number of added confirmed deaths from COVID-19 for the Northeast Health District and the state as a whole going back to the beginning of the pandemic.

The data come from the Department of Public Health Daily Status Report and have been updated for the 2:50 p.m. Report on Saturday.

Click on the charts to enlarge them.

Chart 1
Chart 2
Chart 3


1 comment:

Linda said...

From Linda Exum
Thanks for your continuing work keeping us informed. I depend on you to know what’s going on with COVID and other Oconee issues.